
Dental Sealants: What Age Should Children Receive Them?

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Children have “baby” teeth up to a certain age, which fall off and eventually get replaced by permanent teeth. Because of this, parents may think that dental care for children isn’t important since they fall out anyway. But, even if your child’s teeth are not yet permanent, they still need to be taken care of properly, even as early as six to seven years of age. Dental issues like tooth decay can strike at any age, especially if your child has poor dental hygiene. Fortunately, dental sealants can help your child’s teeth stay healthier and stronger.

Dental Sealants: What Age Should Children Receive Them?

The proper age when children should start seeing a dentist is when their baby teeth would all be grown in. This should be around six or seven years old. Dental check ups done at this age will help with the pre-diagnosis of any potential issues that your child may be experiencing, or prone to. Having diagnostic tests done including dental X-rays can help nip developing problems early.

Why Are Dental Sealants Needed?

Dental sealants are used on teeth that have not been completely sealed. Incidentally, sealants may be necessary for people of any age group, not just children! Most of the time, dental sealants are used on children between the ages of 11 to 13, when all the back teeth have been replaced with permanent teeth. However, in some cases, we can apply sealants to your child’s teeth as early as six or seven years to protect them from cavities.

What to Expect from Dental Sealants

Many children may be apprehensive about getting sealants because they worry if the procedure will be painful or not. This dental procedure will be mildly uncomfortable at the most, but not exactly painful. Most of the time, sealants are placed on the molars so their appearance will not be a factor. However, if sealants are needed on a part of a tooth that is visible when your child speaks or smiles, the color of the sealant will be made to match the tooth to make it inconspicuous.


No matter how young your child is, if you suspect that they are starting to show signs of tooth decay and cavities, it is vital that they are seen and treated to protect their growing smile. Seeing a dentist helps ensure that any potential issues will be caught early and treated least invasively. Leaving dental issues unchecked allows them to worsen, leading to more painful and costly treatments down the road. If your child needs help with their smile, our Raleigh dentist, Dr. Mihirgir Bava and his team in Raleigh, NC, are ready to help! We invite you to 919-872-1700 for more information or to schedule a visit for your child!